How to Add Country Codes to the Phone Numbers Before You Upload Your Bulk Contact List (Outside of the US Only)?


You must be logged into your web portal account as a Global or location admin.

Make sure you follow these steps before you upload your bulk contact list. (This article is relevant outside of North America only. For our US and Canadian clients, the default country code is +1.)

Make sure you're logged into the Manage Users section. Then follow these steps:

Step 1:

Click on Bulk Import Users and Download the CSV Template

Step 2:

Add the contact information to the sheet. Make sure the SMS and Voice sections have a plus sign (+) and then the country code before each contact number (Ex. +123XXXXXXXXXXX). This is important so the spreadsheet knows the plus sign (+) is not a formula.

Step 3:

Upload the sheet by clicking on "File Upload" and then hitting Submit