How to delete a Custom Check-in Button

Did you create a custom Check-in button and you need to delete it? No worries. Follow these easy steps.

Important notes

  • You need to log into the web portal as a Global or location admin.
  • You can ONLY delete Custom Check-in buttons.

It's easy as 1-2-3!


Step 1:

Log into the web portal and click on "Check-in options" or "App Settings" tab


Step 2:

Edit the Custom "Check-in button"

Example: You can only delete "Custom Check-in buttons".


Step 3:

Select "New (beta)" from the Workflows section > Click on "Delete" and "OK" to confirm the deletion



And you're done, genius 😀.


😱 Oops! Did you delete the Custom Check-in button by mistake?


Step 1:

Click on "Deleted Options"


Step 2:

Click on the button to restore the Check-in button and click "OK" to confirm


Step 3:

Edit the restored Check-in button and update the button name (remove the [Restored-50cc9403]) and click on "Publish"


And you're done. You are still a genius 😀!