If you are using Greetly Touchless Receptionist version 2.5.7 or above you can now set the Default Country Code in your Greetly Portal to be reflected in your App.
Follow these easy steps to getting your Default Country Code changed.1. Login to your Greetly Portal
(Be sure that you have selected the correct Location to change this, shown below as "Greetly Demo".
You can change the location by clicking the green drop down arrow)

2. Click Check-in Options (seen above)

3. Click Location (seen above)
4. Click on the Phone Country Code Section (seen below) to open the Drop Down List and
select your desired Country

5. Once you have selected your Default Country Code click SAVE
The Default Country Code is now Changed for your location!
However the Greetly Touchless app still needs to reflect these changes, provided you are running Greetly Touchless version 2.5.7 or above found in iOS and Android app stores.
You can now Reload your app and you will see the Default Country Code will be set to your choice.
Good Job! ¡Bien hecho! Bien joué ! Gut gemacht! Ben fatto! Bom trabalho! Bra jobbat! Aferin!
Dobra robota! Kerja bagus! Молодец! 好工作 Hǎo gōngzuò よくできた Yoku dekita