Why does my iPad go dark/sleep when running Greetly?

Greetly recommends always running your visitor registration app in kiosk mode.

Greetly recommends always running your visitor registration app in kiosk mode. For users running Greetly on an Apple iPad, that means using the built-in Guided Access feature. This ensures your check-in app is always working smoothly.

With the release of iOS 12, several users informed us that even in Guided Access, their iPads were going dark after 20 minutes of usage.

With the release of iOS 12.1.1 this issue has been resolved. You can now lock Greetly into Guided Access mode and have the iPad run your digital receptionist 24/7. 

After updating to iOS 12.1.1, there is one additional permission needed to use Guided Access with iOS 12: 

    1. From the iPad's home screen, tap Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access
    2. Toggle Mirror Display Auto-Lock ON


Are you running any of the following versions?

  • iOS 13 release...click here to go directly to Apple Support to review their knowledge base article
  • iOS 14 release...click here to go directly to Apple Support to review their knowledge base article